Winter’s not coming, it’s already here. And it’s playing havoc with our skin. One minute we’re toasting our buns near a blazing fire and the next we’re standing on ffffreezing soccer field/rugby pitch/netball court wishing we’d put our thermal knickers on and wondering if our child/spouse will notice if we sneak off to the warm refuge of the bar/car. The beautiful Southern Highlands Winter strips our skin of moisture leaving it feeling dry, itchy and tight.

So what can you do? Slather yourself head to foot in a good quality moisturizer, obvs. And don’t forget your hands too. And remember to be liberal with lip balm. I have at least 20 half used ones in my glove box if you can’t find one. Hair also needs extra love too, so treat yourself to a weekly deep conditioning treatment.

Apparently the severe winter air can be especially damaging to those of us in our forties who have begun the ageing process. Quelle horreur!

Ironically, an icy blast is one remedy being used to restore parched, ageing skin. Enter CooLifting, a treatment loved by Hollywood starlets that takes five minutes to remove 10 years.

Chillax – it’s not toxic, it’s not an injection – just a cool, new treatment

CooLifting is an innovative facial rejuvenation treatment that intensively moisturizes and treats expression wrinkles and gravitational wrinkles around the eyes, forehead, frown, cheeks and lips.

CooLifting converts have a treatment before a special event for a beauty boost and luminous glow and a course of CooLifting to get their skin plumped to the max.

Developed in Barcelona, Spain, CooLifting is an innovative facial treatment based upon the symbiosis between a dose of hyaluronic solution combined with a cool spray.


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